วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma is one of the most deadly and painful forms of cancer. Fortunately, it is also one of the rare forms of cancer relatively rare, although small consolation for the thousands of people who have to endure every day. This terminal condition begins when a person takes the jagged microscopic asbestos fibers. Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral found in fire protection and insulation have been used for millennia, and as theseAncient people who worked with asbestos are more likely to die before others.

During the manufacturing process are often the asbestos fibers into the air, where their weight and small size allows them to someone in the mouth and throat to settle in the area, and can also be worn home, where friends and family Contamination may be issued with original work.

Peritoneal mesothelioma starts when the asbestos fibers are cut into slices of the digestive tract and enterthrough the tissue of the stomach and intestines. These scrap fibers through these institutions and stick to them and puncture mesothelium, the thin membrane, the lubrication that they can move during the separation digestion. Without this important process of lubrication of the organs could not really food. Some of the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

• Abdominal pain

• abdominal mass

• Weight Loss

• Abnormal bowelFunction

• Construction fluid in the abdomen

• Expansion of the waistline, but the removal

• Blood clots

Unfortunately not, the peritoneal mesothelioma is usually present symptoms until it is well under way, and until then it is usually impossible to treat. Further complicating the diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma is the nature of the disease, the symptoms are often confused with less dangerous conditions such as indigestion orHeartburn.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is always fatal. From the time of diagnosis is usually so advanced that the only treatment available to make the victim as comfortable as possible and relieve pain whenever possible. Most victims usually expire within six to eight months after diagnosis, in a few cases, they survive more than a year, but few, if not more than five years to survive.

There is hope for victims of peritoneal mesothelioma. Newtreatmentsandinclude photodynamic gene,, angiogenesis, and immunotherapy, which was the key to reversing the trend to keep this deadly, disabling and tragic disease.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

High dose radiation therapy improves survival in patients with mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very rare disease, but once it strikes, death becomes inevitable. This deadly disease is caused by exposure to asbestos. A recent study has found an innovative idea to improve the survival and the survival time of patients with mesothelioma.

Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (Funded) have done this research and have presented their results before the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation andOncology (ASTRO). This study was from 1900-2000 and was carried out on different patients in various stages of mesothelioma.

According to the study of cancer surgery to remove the lung lining and has very extensive, and this should be a high dose of radiation to achieve the desired results. Had observed these patients suffer from toxic effects. They seem to be able to withstand the treatment and lastwell.

"For many years we were not giving too much radiation to the chest because of extreme toxicity, but new technologies and treatments have helped a lot," said Santosh Yajnik, MD, radiation oncologist and lead author of the study Funded. In this study, the entire lung of patients suffering will be removed. This also makes it easier to give a high dose of radiation therapy.

Funded one of the centers that has facilities for this type of treatment.Almost 63 patients were treated Funded by surgery. On average, have shown that improved their survival through this type of treatment 5 to 6 months.

The researchers found that people who were closest to them in the early stages of a better survival than those who are approaching the last stage of cancer.

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Because Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. In this deadly disease, cancer (malignant) cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the organs of the body. The most common site of tumor cells accumulate in the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and chest), but can also occur in the lining of the abdominal cavity (called the peritoneum) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart).

> Diagnosis of mesothelioma is difficult for two reasons.

The symptoms are very similar to those of a number of other conditions common disease. No particular concern if you experience persistent cough, wheezing, chest pain and palpitations, fever, difficulty in swallowing. These symptoms are typical of diseases such as pneumonia. Only previous exposure to asbestos may increase clinical suspicion for mesothelioma.

> Mesothelioma has had a long latency period (time between cancer and the feeling of the symptoms thereof). You can rest your body for many years, show symptoms that do not require special medical care. Mesothelioma is often too late, when treatment of the main methods of healing loses the ability to diagnosis.

Currently it is not fully established as the leader in asbestos cancer mesothelial cells. On the other hand, is still many undeterminatedThe fibers are needed to inhale cancer tumor that life. Prime Mesothelioma is closely related to the duration of exposure to asbestos and the concentration in an environment such as asbestos. The resistance of the body also plays an important role in the equation mesothelioma. And 'possible from asbestos mesothelioma, or a couple of months it would take several years for the inhalation of asbestos for cancer.

Very importantPotential for mesothelioma patients is associated with the above symptoms associated with his career. If these symptoms overlap a previous exposure to asbestos, the person must apply for a specific medical examination.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Causes of cancer mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is the growth of malignant cells in mesothelium, the thin membrane of the internal organs of the body. This mesothelium lining covers the pleural cavity, pericardial and peritoneal. Pleura is a membrane to the lungs and is the most common location where cancer mesothelioma occurs, also known as pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneum, the protective sheath that covers the belly of the cave may also develop malignant tumors and cause peritoneal> Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer in the world, which is caused only by exposure to asbestos. Exposure can be directly inhaled through the inhalation of asbestos exposure or indirect, in which the asbestos particles from clothing, hair, equipment and other goods that have previously been exposed to asbestos.

Causes of Mesothelioma Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that is mined in various parts of worldThanks to its wide application in various fields. However, it is a deadly carcinogen and mojor cause of mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Asbestos fibers are known to cause cancer of the mesothelium. Asbestos is the fibrous form of some minerals and silicates, hydrated magnesium found in the soil. There are 3 types of asbestos, blue, during one and one brown. Of these 3 types, also known as blue amphibole, long and thin in the most carcinogenicthan white or chrysotile known as amosite or brown.

The brown asbestos are, in some cases were also found it may cause mesothelioma. It is for this reason that the people who for a short period of exposure to asbestos, susceptible to disease.

Mesothelioma Asbestos fibers are very thin and light their way into the lungs where they lodge in the lung parenchyma and penetrate into the chest, which laterdevelops malignant mesothelial plaques.

Pleura, the lung is anchored to the chest, even a two-layer membrane. The inner layer of the pleura surrounding the lungs, while the outside is known as the pleura, the lining of the pleura and chest cavity. The two layers of the pleura are equipped with a liquid that helps them to slide over each other as we breathe filled. As the disease progresses to pleural thickening and press the delicate lungs. Fluid secreted bymalignant cells, pleural effusion, may also be between the visceral and parietal pleura, which causes breathing problems and other complications.

Peritoneal mesothelioma, asbestos fibers can cause cancer in the abdominal cavity, known as peritoneal mesothelioma. This leads to a thickening of the membranes surrounding the abdominal organs and the collection of a fluid, ascites in the abdominal cavity to swell.

It is not yet clear how Developed peritoneal mesothelioma, it is assumed that out of the lungs, the asbestos fibers are transported, and the abdominal organs through the lymphatic system, stomach, or through saliva contaminated with asbestos fibers are deposited.

Pericardial mesothelioma, this is the rarest type of mesothelioma cancer, only 5% of all cases including mesothelioma. As with other types of cancer, mesothelioma, pericardial effusion> Mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust and fibers. The lining of the chest cavity which protects the heart, is known as the pericardium. It should be supported with a natural fluid or mucus lubrication is ensured at the heart continues to function properly and one of its tasks.

Since the asbestos particles continue to relax in the lining of the chest or pericardial, the cancer spreads throughout the body. Destroys the heart tissue and muscles, is veryDanger to life and proves fatal for the patient.

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วันพุธที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Risk of Mesothelioma with Chrysotile Exposure

Chrysotile is a serpentine mineral belonging to the asbestiform sub-group. This is a material that is produced by asbestos. It can be found in Canada, South Africa, Russia and four countries on some of the controversy has been identified with the production and use of chrysotile asbestos, it is known that is a carcinogen and the largest contribution to breast cancer mesothelioma . In fact, because half of all cases of mesothelioma have been for the professional and industrial use of asbestos.

The effects of high exposure to asbestos has been recognized in South Africa in 1960. Since then, further studies and research followed. It is estimated that about 4 people die each year from one million of mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos. Unfortunately not, the number is more accurate because mesothelioma is not easy to diagnose and is often mistaken for another disease.

Whats> Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that can be found in the thorax (chest) and abdominal cavity. It affects the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers various organs of the body. Mesothelioma is often attributed to asbestos exposure. It is rare and affects only about 2,000 people in the United States each year. It is found more often in men than in women.

The connection between mesothelioma andChrysotile

Chrysotile is a form of asbestos. Has caused some concern because asbestos has been shown to cause cancer in humans and is responsible for many cases of mesothelioma done. However, it can only increase the risk of mesothelioma chrysotile, if it is inhaled and taken up in large quantities. This paper is chrysotile, because, as silicate is rolled over other forms, the leaves are amphiboles. Because it is flexible, it is less likely chrysotilecause cancer if taken in small quantities. E 'also does not incorporate itself in the body and can be easily removed.

The same does not apply to other forms, such as asbestos, anthophyllite, tremolite, actinolite, amosite and crocidolite. If these forms of asbestos are inhaled, is embedded in lung tissue and a source of irritation. In the future, the tumor tissue irritation. Chrysotile is different chemical composition to other forms of asbestos, whichprobably explains to reduce some of their effectiveness.

However, chrysotile can still cause cancer in the tissues of the lungs to increase with prolonged exposure, but only in very high concentrations of material. Other forms of asbestos have only a moderate exposure to the risk that the extension of a person to develop mesothelioma. In fact, many experts agree that the forms of asbestos asbestos in the first place among those persons who are exposed to asbestos as part of their experience of sustainableProfession.

The proof of the risk of developing mesothelioma from exposure to chrysotile
Although there is a weak link between chrysotile and the risk of mesothelioma, there is a risk, are exposed to tremolite is found in certain times of chrysotile. This exhibition represents a potential danger to persons working in mines chrysotile.

A McDonald & McDonald study mesothelioma chrysotile workers were conducted in 1995 revealed that more workersin some areas of the mine, which have been affected. The analysis of lung tissue in cases of post-mortem examination also showed that workers in the field was 4 times the amount of tremolite in the lungs than workers in other sectors. This suggests that it is chrysotile, which causes mesothelioma, but the development of workers tremolite. The study also found that cases of mesothelioma are the result of prolonged exposure to high for many decades have been.

In addition to tremolite,Crocidolite also significantly increases the risk of mesothelioma compared to amosite. This has been demonstrated repeatedly and in many studies.

What does the future hold for chrysotile?

All materials are very asbestiform regulated by law in many countries including the United States and Canada. In fact, this is a significant decrease in the exposure of humans to chrysotile, because the law does not mandate that chrysotile fibers are at a very low level of risk to be updatednegative impact on health, particularly the risk of mesothelioma. There is the fact that chrysotile can cause serious health risks, despite the industry all the time that the exposure of people are granted, is minimized . Currently, chrysotile is mined is still produced the only form of asbestos trade.

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วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Asbestos is still a concern

With all the information about the asbestos, which has spread in recent decades many have been led to believe that this substance has been virtually banned by the United States government. Unfortunately, even if it has been shown to directly lead to fatal diseases, like the rare and aggressive cancer called mesothelioma, asbestos is still a wide range of products are in the United States and around the world, and the environmentAgency has never issued a general ban on the use of asbestos.

Sixty countries around the world have banned the use of asbestos in whole or in part. Since the early 1970s, education and training until 1990 before, both the safety and health (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued rules governing the permissible levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace . But the material was one of the first hazardous air pollutants fromregulated under Article 112 of the Clean Air Act of 1970, which is also known as the NESHAP, or the national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants. A number of applications of asbestos have been banned from Toxic Substances Control Act, as well. Most developed countries, is to regulate or prohibit the extraction of raw materials and importation of asbestos.

However, most of these rules and standards have not revealed the fact that the asbestos in a number of existingStructures and products. Although there is general agreement that asbestos most likely to be safe, if it is intact, there is a tendency to have fragile ", or simply destroyed or damaged by aging. When this happens, even a marginal impact, such as when hit by a tennis ball or a human hand, microscopic asbestos fibers into the surrounding air, where they can be inhaled to be released

What exactly is asbestos? A natural mineral with maturity of long thin fibers --Crystals, asbestos is found in certain rock formations and is also mined in open pits. Most asbestos used in the United States, was brought from Canada. Asbestos is a series of very useful functions that have been recognized and appreciated for centuries. It is not only extremely lightweight, durable and flexible, but also maintains the heat, flame, electrical conductivity, corrosion and other chemical and biological processes. It can also be mixed with the buildingMaterials such as cement, concrete, metal and plastic, and can also be woven into cloth or yarn. The diversity and abundance, was a valuable product for the construction, milling, shipbuilding and commercial product industries, especially during the twentieth century.

Asbestos is made up of long thin fibers, some of which are soft and curly, some of which are thin and needle-sharp. The first type of fibers are easily excreted from the body, but theNeedle-like fiber, to help the durability and strength is estimated to contain asbestos, can be embedded in the soft tissues of the body and remain there for years. Once inhaled, these fibers tend to mesothelium, a protective layer consisting of outer and inner layers, which the body's internal organs and the management of thoracic and abdominal cavities surround goal. Mesothelial cells in these layers to create a sort of lubricating fluid that is released between the two, Layers. This fluid can bodies that move and evolve in cases such as, for example, the lungs if breathed in a breath to do so, simply and without friction when the contact of other organs like the heart is. Mesothelioma, a cancer of mesothelial cells is usually the lungs, where cells divide in an uncontrolled and abnormal. You can then begin to spread and cause damage to organs of the neighborhood, and, finally, the lymphatic system.

It is estimated that 90 percent of allMesothelioma> can be directly attributed to asbestos, and that the remaining 10 per cent, although there is no direct connection is most likely due to the inhalation of asbestos. Although there is no reduction of exposure is considered safe to be, most experts agree that prolonged or repeated, which increases the amount of particles of asbestos waste in the body, most likely to contain asbestos diseases such as mesothelioma cancer and asbestosis. It 'alsopossible, the fibers are transferred from one person to another, because they are trapped in fabrics such as clothing. This means that even those who had no direct contact with matter, but just sharing a house with a worker to asbestos, however, may be at risk of contracting this devastating disease.

After the diagnosis of this tumor, the patient work with an oncologist to determine the appropriate measures for treatment. Some of the standard types of treatment areSurgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. There are also other therapies, such as clinical trials, natural supplements and alternative therapies such as acupuncture, hypnosis and massage can. Due to delays in diagnosis of this form of cancer can only be granted options to control pain in some patients and keep them as comfortable as possible.

Unfortunately, asbestos remains a threat to the United States and around the world. This time the building ubiquitousThe material is available in countless homes, offices, schools, hospitals, factories and other places. It may also in consumer goods in many existing homes, as well as in cars and ships. Every day new reports are asbestos, which posed a danger. If you or someone you love has to work in a profession where asbestos may have been widespread, or if you still had no known contact with asbestos-containing consumer products, it is important that your doctor aware of thisFact, and closely monitor their health. Some of the symptoms of mesothelioma are non-specific problems, such as cough, persistent cough or blood, back or chest pain, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, fatigue and unexplained weight loss. When you visit a history of exposure to asbestos and any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. How many types of mesothelioma cancer can be treated if caught early enough.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mesothelioma Specialists

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of lung cancer from exposure to asbestos. The choice of a doctor with a solid reputation in treating Mesothelioma can make a difference in the experience of treatment.

A diagnosis of mesothelioma is a very serious matter, and understanding your treatment options is very important. Therefore, consult your doctor is an important first step in finding what is mesothelioma treatmentsavailable and what is right for you. Your doctor will give you the latest treatments mesothelioma in your area, if possible. However, if there are treatment options for mesothelioma in your area, then the doctor or oncologist, you can see specialists in mesothelioma neighboring states.

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the tumor, stage of disease and the patient's age and generalHealth.

Treatments for mesothelioma include:

Surgery is a procedure to remove or repair a body part or to discover if the disease is present. The goal is to remove the tissue with the highest possible tumor cells. In some cases it is impossible to eliminate all infected tissue with cancer when the tumor has spread to many organs. In such cases, surgery can be used to relieve pain and suffering.

Pneumonectomy is an aggressiveType of operation, which is located in the lung. There are two types of this procedure, the traditional and extrapleural pneumonectomy pneumonectomy are. Traditional pneumonectomy involves removing only the lung disease. Extrapleural pneumonectomy involves removal of diseased lungs, along with a part of the pericardium, the membrane and the parietal pleura on the same side of the chest.

A pneumonectomy removes half of the breathing capacity of patients with cancer and for this reason,The surgeons usually opt for a less invasive procedure, if possible. However, a pneumonectomy is probably the best option if a tumor is located in the center of the lung and includes a large portion of the pulmonary artery or vein.

Genes gene therapy are the biological units of heredity. To identify the genes that manifest characteristics such as hair color and eyes, and subtle features, such as the transport capacity of oxygen in the blood. Complex properties, such as physical strength, can notshaped by the interaction of a number of different genes along with environmental influences.

Immunotherapy Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses parts of the immune system to fight disease, including cancer. This may also include the promotion of their own immune system to work harder, or with an external source, such as the human immune system proteins.

Photodynamic Therapy Photodynamic therapy (PDT also called) photoradiation therapy, phototherapy, or photochemotherapy is the treatmentfor some types of cancer. It is based on the recognition of the fact that certain chemicals known as photosensitizing agents can kill one-celled organisms when the organisms are exposed to a certain kind of light. PDT destroys cancer cells using a fixed frequency laser light in combination with a photosensitizing agent.

These treatments are sometimes combined. Currently, there are many clinical studies conducted by the United States. A clinical trial is a study thatPersons concerned and is designed to take advantage of new treatments and better ways to find current therapies. These trials are conducted by doctors to determine whether a particular treatment is effective against the disease and safe for patients before being recommended for general use. Participation in clinical trials is a very important option for those diagnosed with mesothelioma examined.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

What is mesothelioma and what does cause mesothelioma?

If you have bad luck just diagnosed with mesothelioma, one can also compare your two questions: What are the requirements are the cause of mesothelioma mesothelimoa problems? The answers to these questions are quite large. So instead of spending all day looking for the keywords "what is mesothelioma and what problems read cause mesothelioma" into a search engine, just keep this article. You will receive a short summary to explain whatthe disease is and what they expect from him.

With that being said, you should first answer to your question: What is mesothelioma. Generale, cancer mesothelioma, which affects the lining of organs. The most common type affects the lungs. Other types of mesothelioma is the abdomen, heart, and also affect the testicles, although this is very rare. In any case, all cases of mesothelioma to asbestos exposure may be reduced.This could be a person with the substance of their work and / or used for exposure to certain types of paints and building materials in homes of elders. Since asbestos is strictly limited by the government, the majority of cases occur in older persons.

Now you are ready to answer the next question: What are the issues is to understand the cause of mesothelioma. The answer is simple: many. The prognosis is very sad, even ifPerson is treated. During the time the person has the disease, they meet a range of symptoms of unusual items on the body, pain, coughing, bloody, nerve damage, accumulation of fluid in the affected organs, bowel problems and weight loss. Granted, there are a couple of victims of mesothelioma, which can not suffer any symptoms, but rather rare. In general, victims must undergo both the symptoms that occur with their condition and the problems associated with chemotherapyTreatment.

Some victims have decided to fight when mesothelioma was diagnosed with the disease. They do this by trying settlements against the company responsible for the condition. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma it is certainly an option, given your medical bills just keep mounting every month. But remember that sometimes cases do not end up in court, perhaps in a variety of additional stress on you and your family.

So,there you have it. Now I know the answers to the questions "What is mesothelioma and what problems cause mesothelioma." While this information can not be comforting to you, at least you know what to expect, with a diagnosis of mesothelioma. They also know that you can not legal available if you want to use. What I do not know is how to deal with the disease live, especially in view of their prognosis. You can get some advice fromelsewhere, but ultimately you have to rely on their mental and emotional strength to find out how you, enjoy what life could be available.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mesothelioma Treatment: An Introduction

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but very complicated. These are generally people who work in mining and other asbestos-contract asbestos industries, where the air is permeated with dust particles very minute of asbestos are inhaled during respiration. These particles are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. These particles of dust enters the lungs, intestines, heart and other vital organs of the body. Symptomsthe disease does not appear immediately, have a very long period of incubation. But as soon as they appear, their life becomes dangerous and lead to a low survival rate.

The irony of the situation is that in most cases the person is unable to interpret the symptoms when they occur. This is because symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc. can easily be taken for common ailments. The incubation period of symptoms is usually very long, sometimes more than manyYears. This exacerbates the problem because both the patient and the physician usually does not trace the source of the problem at source, namely the breathing of asbestos dust.

It is normal when treatment is not good for the patient to prepare a necessity, a page of history in recent years, the patient's life and work will be determined. The search begins with the family doctor refers the case to mesothelioma specialists for their advice and thoroughTest.

Obviously the first step, as in any other medical problem begins with the preparation of the patient's work history and perform diagnostic tests to confirm the suspicion aroused by too much. The physical examination includes X-rays of the heart, lungs and abdomen, MRI and CT scans, biopsies, etc., which can further confirm or contradict the initial hypothesis. Once the diagnosis of extent, variety and age of the disease is confirmed, amultispeciality medical board meet to plan treatment. Treatment of mesothelioma is coordinated with the regular presence of clinical studies of new studies. However, the general treatment of the disease is surgery to remove the affected tissue or organ. In addition to this, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also required to kill cancer cells.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Cancer for Christmas - Five Ways To Make Christmas nice for your loved ones Enduring Chemotherapy

Recently I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Although I knew the cancer survivors, and there are tons of literature to survive cancer, I discovered there are some surprises. My friends and family support were wonderful. Here are five ways I have found that allows them to tolerate the chemotherapy, and still enjoy Christmas.

After my first treatment fragrance I noticed that there are scents that are unbearable for me. The smell of somethinga chemical basis has been particularly offensive, detergents, perfumes and scented candles, to name a few. If you have a loved one, to help them dry, vinegar and water works best. Add a few drops of lavender oil on all generic, odorless cream instead of perfume. Scented candles are better tolerated when not illuminated. Leaving the lid of a candle in a glass adds just enough to scent the room. Better than candles, but are oranges studded with cloves, sprigs of rosemary, mint orAromatherapy.

There are foods other side effects of chemotherapy that eating more difficult, especially in the first week. I discovered very quickly that the ice is my friend. Bring a loved one, several gallons of different flavors. While the onion and garlic in your diet food that you are too tough at this time. Instead, I use garlic flavored olive oil and shallots or leeks instead of onions. If you can not eat solid food, I practically live on fried noodles in a smallGarlic flavored olive oil, parsley, and many of Asiago cheese.

A Christmas tree-Fatigue is a very real side effect of almost all types of chemotherapy. Decorating for Christmas feels like too much to handle, but without any decoration would be too depressing, and a reminder of how life is hard in this year. Volunteering is putting on a Christmas tree for their loved ones and take down. There are also some beautiful trees that are accessible table that you can bring as a gift. I feel veryJoy of my tree, set up my girl for me. This is a cheerful place in a cloudy day.

Laugh-Mount DVD are the light of heart and comedy in nature. Old shows like I Love Lucy Abbot and Costello or keep me laughing. I also like romantic comedies Sleepless in Seattle or You've Got Mail. Now is not the time to keep CNN on a current loop on the television. While I am all the terrible things that have happened and may consciously in the world, I can do with an influx ofthat information at this time. I think that when you are fighting for my life, I want to remind everyone who pays for the reasons that life is beautiful and good fight.

I am a person-Remember, if it is a loved one, they are still a person, not a disease. I tend to laugh and joke about what was happening to me. I asked all the time, as I joke about cancer. How can I not? I started laughing and joking, before cancer, and some of the side effects are just getting too ridiculous for wordsI like to call what God bit 'of irony. For example: How can I lose all the hair on my body in places that I will not even be mentioned, but still have hairy knees? The hair is long hair on my knees?

Please note that no matter what you do and try to expensive for a man is the cancer is a solitary event. Every experience is different. I am among the lucky ones. They took my cancer very early. When I finished my treatments, I look forward to a very high rate of recovery.That said, I hope that these ideas that help me to shed light on this Christmas for you and your loved ones have shared.

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วันอังคารที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Cancer of the stomach mucosa

One of the most fatal types of mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma, which attacks cancer cells that the lining of the abdominal peritoneum. Peritoneum is the thin membrane that protects the various organs of the abdomen and also provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects this lining, but now it is a relatively rare disease, about 1 / 5 of all mesotheliomas. The only known causethe United States today is a previous exposure to asbestos.

Main symptoms

Although mesothelioma is neither age nor sex specific, peritoneal mesothelioma is primarily in men who have seen in the age group 50-70 years. There are a number of symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma most of which seems to begin after 20, 30 or 50 years after exposure to asbestos. These symptoms can be weight loss (but may increase the waistline), pain or swelling in the abdomen,Weakness, loss of appetite, intestinal obstruction, anemia, nausea and fever. In addition, fluid accumulates in the abdominal area often leads to a so-called ascites.

The diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma

The first step to identify peritoneal mesothelioma includes X-rays and CT scans. To confirm the diagnosis, but the doctor needs a biopsy, which is cut a piece of tissue from the affected part of the victim's body and placed under the microscope toTest. If the disease at an early stage, stands a better chance of cure is always recognized as the state of diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma when the cancer has already spread to different parts.


It 'true that the peritoneal mesothelioma is fatal and leads to numerous deaths every year. However, investigations are continuing with various types of treatments are covered and for the future, there is a fair chance of having the disease more thoroughlycurable. The type of treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

In surgery, a portion of the abdominal tissue is cut to remove the tumor. Sometimes the doctor may need a lung or a portion of the diaphragm after surgery to remove the credit. Radiotherapy, the second method requires the application of high-energy X-ray Shrink on the tumor and kill tumor cells. The spokes can be an external applicationMachine or the source of radiation directly to the affected part of the body with the help of plastic tubes. Last type of treatment is chemotherapy using a combination of drugs is used to kill tumor cells. Medications can be administered by mouth in capsule form or can be applied intravenously in August

However, it is important to remember that cost is for the treatment of all forms of cancer too extravagant, and you can consult a mesothelioma attorney in order to gain a goodCompensation from the authority that has been responsible for previous exposure to asbestos.

To learn more about peritoneal mesothelioma so that you can begin treatment at a very early stage, and to heal.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Natural Cure for Cancer - Why do not ignore their validity

Natural Treatment of doctors believe that cancer is the leading cause of cancer, poor diet and lifestyle. The solution to get rid of cancer includes the removal of the causes of cancer and not just the symptoms. Contrary to what most of us like a nutritious diet, the average of a person of toxic foods such as processed foods, dairy products and meat to be considered together. These poisons and affect the immune system and causes the disease. Because the immune system is our bodyheal itself and destroy tumor cells, naturally from the inside.

Because there are natural cures for cancer-mainstream?

Most alternative cancer treatments before doctors were from a background of conventional medicine, first began to realize that non-traditional cancer treatments are always effective. Most of them speak in favor of alternative therapies for cancer from their private practices today, because they were not, and we recommendAlternatives by the Medical Council. As a result, they had to leave their old positions before starting their research, publish books that could run video and make cancer retreat centers. Natural cancer treatments do not include any form of surgery or drug use, and cost only a fraction of the cost of conventional treatment of cancer. It makes sense for the multi-billion dollar industry of cancer treatment and the fake snuff, alternative treatments, althoughscience in many cases has proved very effective, because they do not earn much money, if people accept it as mainstream.

The choice of a natural method Cancer

Select With so many natural cures for cancer, it is normal that people are more terrible to choose the right method. Naturopathy Cancer corrections do not fast and you will be asked to massive changes to your current diet and lifestyle to help your body naturallyhealing ability. Treatment usually consists of lifestyle changes, as always, plenty of rest, fresh air, daily exercise, sunshine and faith in God in some religious centers treatment. The changes in the diet include the elimination of junk food, sugar, fat load of food and processed food. Healthy Alternatives such as organic fruit, nuts, legumes, cereals, fruit juices, pure water or products of animal origin (very rare). The choice of treatment will be influenced by a desire to change yourLifestyle, religious beliefs, budget and your current position. These treatments can be expensive if you added at the expense of organic foods and other health facilities, but if you compare the cost of going through chemotherapy and radiation, it seems a bargain.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Asbestos Lawyer - Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is often defined as "asbestos disease" because it usually results from exposure to asbestos directly or indirectly. Lawyers are often required of people with mesothelioma to seek compensation from the companies involved. Credits are awarded at times, often more than ten million dollars.

As some lawyers are often in cases of asbestos, to "take no win no fee" basis, it need not costwhich begins on legal assistance to obtain a solution for mesothelioma. Also, because settlements are usually before the process is completed, the person suffering from asbestos in fact rarely appear in court.

Find the best lawyer to handle the case is obviously important. Most U.S. states (like most sites in Britain, Canada and Australia, where most cases occur) have lawyers handle these cases, but sometimes it can bebetter achieved with a lawyer to work elsewhere. Some of them is that they will be working with applicants from different states of the United States.

Jobs in which workers are exposed to asbestos, the shipbuilding, boiler and isolate lag (due to asbestos used in boilers), electricians, carpenters, etc. (which would have to drill or cut asbestos), plumbers and Hydraulic (because asbestos is used to insulate pipes), auto mechanics (due to asbestos used in brakesBearings and clutches), firefighters and other professions.

In addition to seeking compensation for the disease itself, applications can be made to travel to health facilities, assistance is (whether paid or not been purchased), profits and articles about the disease and the loss of family members.

Someone with mesothelioma with a request was made on the benefits of the state, it is usually no legal right to prevent that.

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วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Relief of pain for cancer patients?

Karen an advanced stage of breast cancer when her boyfriend asked her to see me. The doctors had given up hope on her and not work and said it was too late to treat them. Was looking for some kind of workaround for the health of the pain she had no cancer, he knew that his time was limited.

At this time I knew nothing that could be used against pain. In a practical alternative health, the answer is to reduce the pain, to eliminate the cause of pain andCase of Karen, this solution seemed very sad. Could certainly try to supportive measures, such as increasing the levels of CoQ10 and germanium, which is the tissue with oxygen and possibly allow some healing, or try acupuncture for all the right channels of power for the Healing energy flows through open. But as for a current formula for the relief of cancer pain is that much has gone blank.

I think that shone through the questions during the day in my head, the answers always pop up and sometimeswithin a few days. Sometimes the answer comes in a few minutes.

How cancer patients can get relief from pain? Certainly, there must be an answer out there. Sufficient number of people through the devastation of cancer is gone and something to someone who has tried for at least 10 to 25% of those who have worked to suffer from cancer.

The answer came through an indirect route. A friend of mine had his journey through life has said last year to watch four of his friends die of cancer. E 'statesuffer heartbreaking to see their friends. Began the search for solutions to pain relief for cancer patients. A few months later found them.

I learned that the pain from cancer of the ruins have life, and makes it fast. A third to almost half of all cancer patients experience moderate to severe pain during the attack of cancer. In countries with advanced tumors, that percentage jumped 70-90%. The sad news is that cancer survivors may be continuedsuffer pain in years. What we have unjust situation, which is to recover from cancer and then left with the pain and no solution for pain relief anywhere!

My friend has found a combination of herbs that has been specially developed by Chinese herbalists for control of cancer pain. Was actually developed a solution to pain relief for victims of cancer. He suggested to some people who used to work herbal formula for pain, and it was pretty good, "he said.

A bit 'ofherbs that are in the formula notoginseng, Red Sage, Red Peony, Cnidium herb and other painkillers. As a master herbalist, I knew he could with the herbs, the nervous system and some who are in a position which had declining substance P interact, the substance responsible for the sensation of pain, but had never learned what herbs to mix to achieve the degree of pain relief that requires people with cancer. It makes sense physiologically and total herbally that an all-naturalHerbal formula may be a difference in the treatment of pain.

The good news is that the Chinese had already created the formula for pain relief from cancer pain. As a botanist, when you arrive at a formula that works, the rule is to leave alone! Use it.

Karen I was sad that women with advanced breast cancer, retired and was not reachable for me to share the good news. But the thought of helping others, was a solution to relieve pain in cancer care enough to write thisArticle.

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วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

A brief overview of mesothelioma


Today there are many discussions around the world, both offline and online, mesothelioma. In the United States, there are mesothelioma awareness groups in almost every city of the United States. In addition to discussion forums, mesothelioma legal cells, mesothelioma forums, mesothelioma awareness groups etc., today mesothelioma research is a huge subject. There is also a Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarship, whichoffered every quarter. This scholarship is in memory and honor those who have been affected by Mesothelioma. Billions of dollars in an effort to combat this terrible disease and has spent a cure is found. Let's start by asking this simple question - mesothelioma, what is it?

What is Mesothelioma?

Asbestos and mesothelioma are known to be linked. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer, people who were affected by exposure to asbestos.This is a rare form of cancer, and concerns only those who have a history of exposure to asbestos, did not have another. You can, however, secondary cases in which a person may come into contact with someone who is exposed to asbestos in the past. The key to mesothelioma, as here, the exposure to asbestos.

The main cause of mesothelioma exposure to asbestos. Once the patient is worse inhaling asbestos dust / fibers, other factors such as smokingthe state for an extended period of time. There may be other causes mesothelioma. For example, it has been diagnosed cases in which the patient had no history of exposure to asbestos. People here are people who have had asbestos. Before proceeding further, we define mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Definition: is defined as mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, usually with a previous exposure to asbestos. In this diseasemalignant neoplasms (cancer) cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the internal organs of the body. malignant mesothelioma cells to proliferate in the area, and are usually very difficult to remove, not to speak.

Mesothelioma has reached well beyond behind the '60s, when the symptoms began to manifest, and cases of mesothelioma were diagnosed to be known. Across America, for people who were in establishments which were linked to asbestos, there was aNightmare. That was more because too much of that time, asbestos, since the number of benefits were compared with other metals used in industries around the world. It 'was a tragedy of epic proportions waiting to let go, and when it is unleashed, it worked havoc in the lives of people across America. Thousands of people lost their lives to mesothelioma, and even today, thousands of people continue to fight this terrible disease.

Even today, more than 3,000 people diagnosedwith mesothelioma in the United States. Today, victims of mesothelioma and their families ready for battle with the disease to be. For the survivors of mesothelioma lawsuits against companies that brought the disease on them, a possibility that evoke the pain and suffering she had to undergo. For a number of victims of mesothelioma lawyers were able to resolve cases successfully. There are self-help mesothelioma, victims of mesotheliomaand their families cope with life as a result of the disease. There are sites like http://www.mesotheliomaweb.org, mesothelioma. Http: / / www. Com, http://www.cancer.gov, etc.

Mesothelioma is highly lethal for a number of reasons:

• diagnosis of mesothelioma is often very late. It occurs in a person, after years of exposure to asbestos, up to 15 to 20 years.

• During the gestation period is very long, as mentioned above,the exposure time is very short, less than two to three months. This means that a person does not even need to be prolonged exposure.

• The average life of a person after the diagnosis is very short, about 24 months.

• It affects not only a person exposed to asbestos, the odds are that he was asbestos or glass fiber, it can happen to his nearest and dear as well.

Types of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma occurs mainly in three areas, based Mesothelioma is divided into categories:

pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the pleura, the outer casing to protect the chest and lungs)

pericardial mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the pericardium, the sac that surrounds the heart)

• peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the peritoneum, the lining to protect the abdominal cavity)

According to the types of cells seen in aMesothelioma patients>, mesothelioma can be further subdivided into 3 types:

• epithelioid mesothelioma (about 50 to 70 percent of mesothelial cells)

• Sarcomatoid mesothelioma (mesothelioma cell type less common, about 10 to 15 per cent)

biphasic mesothelioma. (About 20 to 40 percent of all mesothelial cells)

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma Symptomsdepend on the type of mesothelioma a patient may have. If a patient with malignant pleural mesothelioma, which usually feel a pain in the chest, accompanied by shallow breathing. These symptoms are due to the deposition of fluid in the pleural cavity.

Symptoms differ from those of peritoneal mesothelioma pleural mesothelioma. In the case of localized peritoneal mesothelioma, symptoms Feedback:

• Fever

• Difficulty in defecation

• Anemia

• anomalies observed during the formation of blood clots

In the case of the most advanced peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include pain, swelling of the face or neck, and difficulty of registration.

Mesothelioma Symptoms usually map to those of other, less serious diseases. Therefore, you should seek experts to ensure that seek to show the symptoms, too.

> Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Diagnosis of mesothelioma is not an easy task, because the symptoms mentioned in other diseases less paper, as above. The first step in diagnosis of mesothelioma is a review of documents of the patient. It 'important to know whether the patient is a show of mesothelioma disease, whose symptoms also had. At this point, it is important to know if the patient has had previous exposure to asbestos. If the patient has not had the diseaseShow the symptoms associated with mesothelioma and asbestos exposure had mesothelioma, then you can suspect.

It is important that a careful physical examination of patients, including X-rays done, CT and MRI. The emphasis is usually on the abdomen and chest regions. If there is anything suspicious, at the end of these investigations, you should do a biopsy.

The biopsy is usually performed by a specialist, is an oncologist or aSurgeon. A biopsy involves taking a tissue sample from the patient and subjecting them to evidence in order to determine the presence or absence of mesothelioma. Biopsies in cases of mesothelioma can be:

• thoracoscopy (by tissue from inside the chest region, with a thoracoscope)

• Peritoneoscopy (using tissue samples taken from the abdomen, with a peritoneoscope)

Once the diagnosis is made, it is important to learn the stageMesothelioma has been demonstrated. Depending on whether the cancer still in the original site, or if it has spread to other parts of the body, mesothelioma can be called:

• Localized (still in the original site)

• Advanced (spread to other parts of the body) is

Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma treatments, depending on the type of mesothelioma, as the stage where it was detected. Threestandard forms of treatment for mesothelioma are:

• Surgery - surgical removal of the tumor from the body. For example, malignant pleural mesothelioma, treatment may involve removal of the lung affected by performing a pneumonectomy.

• Radiation therapy - Exposing the party high-energy rays to kill the malignant cells

• Chemotherapy - the use of chemicals / drugs to destroy malignant cells, either by injecting them) Patients, or intravenously or through the direct provision in the chest or abdomen (intracavitary chemotherapy.

In addition to these three options, the search is underway to find new and more effective treatments. Clinical studies have played an important role in the development of new treatment options.

Mesothelioma Prognosis

In the case of mesothelioma, the prognosis is not as accurate as with other less serious illnesses. The reason the prognosis is usually borne byPhase is detected in a disease. Mesothelioma is very late in most cases detected in a patient so that it becomes difficult to treat, the percentage and the duration of the state of a patient after treatment. Which statistics are available is not reliable as we would like to. Although it was not easy to determine which of the two - the pleural or peritoneal dialysis - mesothelioma difficult phase, the experts generally agree that a prognosis is very difficult forboth.

However, recent surveys and can be demonstrated that patients suffering from mesothelioma is not as bad as we thought before. These data are tabulated below.

Level of detection of mesothelioma survival rates (years) Percentage of patients

Medium to advanced stages of 3 years to 10%

5 years 5%

Early stages 2 years 50%

5 years 20%

This is only general information about prognosis mesothelioma. There is no data available sInternet for specific scenarios and situations.


• http://www.mesotheliomaweb.org

• http://www. Mesothelioma. Com

• http://www.cancer.gov

• http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com

• http://www.mesolink.org/legal-guide/ law mesothelioma, and options-faq.html

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

What You Should Know About the Mesothelioma illness

What is Mesothelioma? Many people are unaware
this disease and hence the delay in
Diagnosis. Millions of people die every year because of
Cancer is one of the most common diseases of each
one is exposed to one of us. In general, a cancer
is a group of diseases characterized by an alarming rate
The growth of abnormal cells in the body. The disease can
almost every part of body and
Commonaffects the lungs. Carcinogen
Substances are everywhere, especially in air,
we breathe, so that the lungs are vulnerable to deadly for some
Diseases. A rare form of cancer that affects the lungs, is

Mesothelioma has become popular only because of its
Associated with asbestos, a fibrous mineral form
Fire prevention magnesium, silicate chemistry
Filters, electrical insulation and others. Most
Patientsbeen diagnosed with mesothelioma
often exposed to asbestos. Are those who work
on construction sites, shipyards, insulators, and decision makers
similar places. Normally, you breathe impure fibers
asbestos floating in the air.

It may be noted that about 30-50 per cent of
Mesothelioma patients who have no exposure to
Asbestos, which leads to the assumption that asbestos
can not be the only cause ofMesothelioma. There are
Mesothelioma some patients, the small
Exposure to asbestos, but had contracted the disease.
Activities such as washing the clothes of a person
been exposed to asbestos to put another person at high
Risk of cancer mesothelioma. This disease takes years
to develop, so that a person could be exposed to asbestos
Mesothelioma is diagnosed only after 20-50 years

Asother forms of cancer, mesothelioma, is called
after the part that is affected by the disease. In
In mesothelioma, malignant cells are found in
the mesothelium, a lot of protection, cover different
internal organs. This function produces a protective sac fluid
that lubricates the organs to allow them to move. They
allow the beating of the heart and the expanding and
Contracting lung, for example. In particular,
Mesotheliomaaffects the lining of the lungs and chest
Cavity. There are some cases, moreover, that the food
Abdomen (peritoneum) is a concern. Both
Types of cancer known as pleural mesothelioma
Mesothelioma (affecting the lungs) and peritoneal dialysis
Mesothelioma (stomach).

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, including wheezing,
Persistent cough, weight loss, fever and chest
Pain. On the other hand,Peritoneal mesothelioma may
bloating and abdominal pain and weight
Loss. In the early stages of mesothelioma, the
The symptoms are nonspecific, the disease is
recognized immediately. The symptoms are often
Mistaken as a sign of pneumonia. There are cases of
the patient shows no signs of this deadly

If a patient shows no symptoms mentioned above, has
immediately seeking aTo help the doctor. Typically, one
Xray is necessary to cancel the changes in
the lungs (in case) of pleural mesothelioma.
Evidence of mesothelioma cancer among construction
of fluid between the pleura covering the chest wall
and diaphragm. Under normal conditions, the
Mesothelial cells produce only small amounts of liquids
sufficient to lubricate the area between the chest wall
and lungs.

The probability of a patientRecovery from mesothelioma
depends on the degree or stage of disease and
Location of the disease. In addition, the person's age
and the manner in which it reacts to treatment and drugs may
to see if you can survive cancer or not.
In general, the option of the patient for treatment are:
Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and cancer

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mesothelioma survivor

Trials are a wonderful thing. For purposes of discussion here, there are fundamentally two types of trials. First, there are trials of experimental treatments for generally difficult types of cancer. The procedure is to usually start off with the state-of-the-art therapy. If that should fail, you are switched to the next line of defense. If that fails, you then go to the third line, etc. After all standard therapies have been exhausted, go for experimental therapies. Clinical trials are undertaken when there is a strong possibility that the new approach will improve cancer treatment. Each clinical trial offers you a chance to live. It works on the drawing board. Maybe it can work with you. You have nothing to lose.

The second type of trial is a randomized or sometimes called a double blind trial. This is where there is a difference between two or three types of treatments or dosages or methods and it is desired to find out which is better. Absolutely no one can say for sure that one is better than the other. So they ask individuals to volunteer where they have no real preference and receive one of the methods, possibly without even their knowledge of which they are receiving. Then the results are monitored to find out which is better. For example half the participants might receive a dose each month and the other half might receive 1/4 the dose each week to see which group does better. Maybe half would receive their treatment in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Either way, what you are doing is possibly helping those who are to come after you and in no way hurting yourself. Patients who participate in trials have the opportunity to receive the most advanced care available - either the new treatment or the best standard therapy. If the new treatment is successful, study patients are the first to benefit; and they have the satisfaction of helping themselves and others.

Assuming your doctor is not a board certified oncologist (a doctor who specializes only in the treatment of cancer), because very rarely does an oncologist diagnose cancer, request that he call one in. Talk to this doctor and get the same information. Again, be certain to write all answers. If you relate well to this qualified physician and he believes he can successfully treat you, have complete faith in him and do everything recommended.

If you do not relate well to this doctor or do not have faith in him or he does not believe you can be successfully treated, go for a true second opinion. That means leaving the comfort of your original doctor and hospital and going across the street or across the city to a different medical system. The best you can do for yourself would be a "multidisciplinary second opinion". This is by one of the institutions given to you by 1-800-433-0464. There you will be allowed to sit with your family and friends and hear your case discussed by independent specialists from each type of cancer medicine. They will tell you everything about your disease and answer any questions you or your family have openly and honestly. You will hear all your options.

If you are unable to get a multidisciplinary second opinion, find a second oncologist totally away from your present doctor or hospital. Get the same information from him. If again you get the impression that this physician can not successfully treat you, you're not through.

Using PDQ protocols, look up who is doing the most work in your type of cancer and call them on the telephone explaining your problem. Ask them straight out if they believe they can successfully treat you. Successfully treating you might not necessarily mean cure in your specific disease. It might be "control", it might be remission, it might be holding it where it is without getting worse. It is amazing how a qualified specialist can accomplish things a less skilled individual does not believe can be done. With the help of your telephone find the most skilled specialist who believes he can do the most for you and then go to him to be certain it is what you want. Then place all your faith and efforts with this individual to help him accomplish what he has set out to do for you.